
Java lambdas have different variable requirements than anonymous inner classes

I have an anonymous inner class and an equivalent lambda. Why are the variable initialization rules stricter for the lambda, and is there a solution cleaner than an anonymous inner class or initializing it in the constructor?

import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

public class Immutable {
    private final int val;

    public Immutable(int val) { this.val = val; }

    // Works fine
    private final Callable<String> anonInnerGetValString = new Callable<String>() {    
        public String call() throws Exception {
            return String.valueOf(val);

    // Doesn't compile; "Variable 'val' might not have been initialized"
    private final Callable<String> lambdaGetValString = () -> String.valueOf(val);

Edit: I did run across one workaround: using a getter for val.


  • The chapter on lambda expression bodies states

    Unlike code appearing in anonymous class declarations, the meaning of names and the this and super keywords appearing in a lambda body, along with the accessibility of referenced declarations, are the same as in the surrounding context (except that lambda parameters introduce new names).

    The transparency of this (both explicit and implicit) in the body of a lambda expression - that is, treating it the same as in the surrounding context - allows more flexibility for implementations, and prevents the meaning of unqualified names in the body from being dependent on overload resolution.

    They're more strict because of that.

    The surrounding context, in this case, is an assignment to a field and the issue at hand is an access of a field, val, a blank final field, in the right hand side of the expression.

    The Java Language Specification states

    Each local variable (§14.4) and every blank final field (§4.12.4, § must have a definitely assigned value when any access of its value occurs.

    An access to its value consists of the simple name of the variable (or, for a field, the simple name of the field qualified by this) occurring anywhere in an expression except as the left-hand operand of the simple assignment operator = (§15.26.1).

    For every access of a local variable or blank final field x, x must be definitely assigned before the access, or a compile-time error occurs.

    It then goes on to say

    Let C be a class, and let V be a blank final non-static member field of C, declared in C. Then:

    • V is definitely unassigned (and moreover is not definitely assigned) before the leftmost instance initializer (§8.6) or instance variable initializer of C.

    • V is [un]assigned before an instance initializer or instance variable initializer of C other than the leftmost iff V is [un]assigned after the preceding instance initializer or instance variable initializer of C.

    Your code basically looks like this

    private final int val;
    // leftmost instance variable initializer, val still unassigned 
    private final Callable<String> anonInnerGetValString = ...
    // still unassigned after preceding variable initializer
    private final Callable<String> lambdaGetValString = ...

    The compiler therefore determines that val in unassigned when it's accessed within the initialization expression for lambdaGetValString.