
Call a method in ui-sref in angularJS

I have below code in ngGrid:

cellTemplate: '<div class="padding-t-5 padding-l-5"><a ui-sref="editCamera({})" ><i class="fa fa-edit margin-r-10"></i></a>\n\
                    <button ng-click="confirmClick() && grid.appScope.deleteRow(row)" confirm-click><i class="fa fa-trash"></i></button></div>'

I wondering how to define the editCamera method mentioned in ui-sref into the controller.

If I add ng-click then how would I pass the id (passed on ui-sref)

I tried to define using $scope.editCamera, but dint worked.


What I need is to perform add and edit operations in a same controller, for this I need a different method for the edit operation.


  • Use ng-click instead of the ui-sref


    <div class="padding-t-5 padding-l-5">
      <a ng-click="editCamera(">
        <i class="fa fa-edit margin-r-10"></i>
      <button ng-click="confirmClick() && grid.appScope.deleteRow(row)" confirm-click>
        <i class="fa fa-trash"></i>


    $scope.editCamera = function(id) {
      $state.go('INSERT-EDIT-CAMERA-STATE-NAME-HERE', {id: id});

    Final note - semantically speaking now that we have killed the ui-sref which in turn kills the href it generates it would be good to change the element to a button or something else than an anchor tag. But i leave semantics up to you.