
How to install JPM on Windows?

I am using Windows and I followed this tutorial and this one which should teach me how to install JPM. I installed node.exe to the folder C:\nodejs as instructed, but I cannot find any npm or jpm program which I am supposed to launch like this:

npm install jpm --global

It seems like the tutorials are for Linux but I am lost here while using Windows because I cannot find programs like the ones mentioned in (sub)folders like bin etc.


  • Do the following:

    1. Install Node.js as suggested from their website. (This shall add the npm application to your PATH variable so you do not need to do anything else for it to run from the command prompt.)
    2. Then skip the testing step and execute npm install jpm --global as suggested from cmd.exe without typing anything else. (If you are havng trouble, run cmd.exe as administrator, that might help.)
    3. After that just type jpm as the tutorial states and it will work properly. (It should show a list of available commands. To create a new add-on, follow this tutorial.)

    I followed these exact steps for my installation on Windows 7 x64 Ultimate and it worked perfectly fine. If you have any problems, comment below, I'll try to help!