
Django-RQ: How to call function?

I am migrating a project to Django and like to use the django-rq module.
However, I am stuck at what to put here:

import django_rq
queue = django_rq.get_queue('high')
queue.enqueue(func, foo, bar=baz)

How to call func ? Can this be a string like path.file.function ?
Does the function need to reside in the same file?


  • Create file to include

    from django_rq import job     
    @job("high", timeout=600) # timeout is optional
    def your_func(*args, **kwargs):
         pass # do some logic

    and then in your code

    import django_rq
    from tasks import your_func
    queue = django_rq.get_queue('high')
    queue.enqueue(your_func, foo, bar=baz)