I fetch some info from the database with a while loop to output panels side by side with boostrap.
This is the code:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM items ORDER BY `id`";
$res = mysqli_query($conn,$sql);
$x = 4;
while($page = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)){
echo "<div class='col-lg-$x col-md-5'>
<div id='posts' class='transitions-enabled masonry'>".
"<div class='box panel panel-default masonry-brick' style='position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;'' target='_blank>".
"<a href=''><img src=''></a>".
"<h2 class='box_text_hover'>". $page["name"]"."</h2>".(float)$page["price"]." ".
"<a href='item.php?id=".$page["id"]."'>See more!</a>".
But the output is always looks like this:
Please add the full code of your php. It seems like you are not assigning a "col-sm-4" class to your div class="panel panel-default". The number 4 is the width of your panel. The sum of these numbers echoed with your while loop can't be higher than 12.