I programmed a bluetooth Television-Remote control for cellphones in J2ME using javax.microedition.lcdui.*
(Gauge, List, ChoiseGroup) GUI-Elements.
I want the cellphone to have real-time interaction with my Television, I would like to find way to send user inputs performed with the GUI-Elements immediately (like changing the channel, or changing the volume) to the Television.
Since I want real-time interaction with my Television, I would like to find way to send user inputs performed with the GUI-Elements immediately (e.g. changing the channel, or changing the volume) to the TV.
Using javax.microedition.lcdui.Command
/ CommandListner
and commandAction
won't work since these need only recognize the commands selected with the side buttons. I would like to have something that can recognize any key pressed.
I discovered that Javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas.keyPressed
can handle any key pressed on the cellphone, but I don't know how to make Canvas work with MIDP GUI elements like Gauge. They can't be added like Commands.
Do I have to figure out way to build a interface for these GUI elements to make them work with Canvas?
I just found a half solution myself, if anyone is interested: "javax.microedition.lcdui.ItemStateListener". This function can handle the states (or state changes) of the GUI items in realtime. Its not keyPress, but this will work as well for my application.