
How to manually set sort order of Unpivot and pivot in sql server

Hi I have applied Unpivot and pivot to my data. All is going well excepts I want to arrange my output in the same order as specified in "IN" clause of unpivot. Please help. Here is what I have done so far:

    CREATE TABLE #myTable
    [ForYear] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [ForMonth] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
    [TrainingDoneThisMonth] [bit] NULL,
    [FoodQualityStatus] [bit] NULL,
    [NoOfAllDrugTests] [int] NULL,
    [NoOfAllAlcoholTests] [int] NULL

    INSERT INTO #myTable 
select * from(SELECT *
    FROM (
        SELECT  DATENAME(month,DATEADD(month,[ForMonth]-1,'1970-01-01')) as d,
                CAST([TrainingDoneThisMonth] as int) as [TrainingDoneThisMonth],
                CAST([FoodQualityStatus] as int) as [FoodQualityStatus],

        FROM #myTable
        WHERE foryear=2016
        ) d
      [VALUES] FOR [Objective] in ([TrainingDoneThisMonth],[FoodQualityStatus],[NoOfAllDrugTests],[NoOfAllAlcoholTests])
    ) unpvt
) as p
    SUM([VALUES]) FOR d IN ([January],[February],[March],[April],[May])
) as pvt

I need result in this order: [TrainingDoneThisMonth],[FoodQualityStatus],[NoOfAllDrugTests],[NoOfAllAlcoholTests]

I have tried : SQL Server , restrict UNPIVOT to order columns automatically but unable to make it working.


  • Try this:

          CREATE TABLE #myTable
            [ForYear] [smallint] NOT NULL,
            [ForMonth] [tinyint] NOT NULL,
            [TrainingDoneThisMonth] [bit] NULL,
            [FoodQualityStatus] [bit] NULL,
            [NoOfAllDrugTests] [int] NULL,
            [NoOfAllAlcoholTests] [int] NULL
            INSERT INTO #myTable 
        select *, 
              CASE WHEN objective = 'TrainingDoneThisMonth' THEN 1 
                   WHEN objective = 'FoodQualityStatus' THEN 2 
                   WHEN objective = 'NoOfAllDrugTests' THEN 3 
                   WHEN objective = 'NoOfallAlcoholTests' THEN 4 
               ELSE 5 END AS [ranking]
     from(SELECT *
            FROM (
                SELECT  DATENAME(month,DATEADD(month,[ForMonth]-1,'1970-01-01')) as d,
                        CAST([TrainingDoneThisMonth] as int) as [TrainingDoneThisMonth],
                        CAST([FoodQualityStatus] as int) as [FoodQualityStatus],
                FROM #myTable
                WHERE foryear=2016
                ) d
            UNPIVOT (
              [VALUES] FOR [Objective] in ([TrainingDoneThisMonth],[FoodQualityStatus],[NoOfAllDrugTests],[NoOfAllAlcoholTests])
        ) unpvt
    ) as p
    PIVOT (
        SUM([VALUES]) FOR d IN ([January],[February],[March],[April],[May])
    ) as pvt
    ORDER BY ranking 
    DROP TABLE #myTable