
Sample OpenMRS MySQL query to read data from database

I have a local implemetation of openmrs version 1.9.7 in a hospital in Kisumu, Kenya. Problem comes when I try to write queries to access the patient data collected from the database for data management purposes due to the complexity of the OpenMrs Database. I am also a little dusty with with sql since I have been off practice for a while but I need the data out asap. The query that I have currently is as below

  SELECT p.date_created as date_enrolled, pi.identifier,     pi.identifier_type     identifier_type ,
 pn.given_name,pn.middle_name, pn.family_name, p.person_id, p.gender, p.birthdate, p.death_date,  
ob.obs_datetime, as obs_type, CASE co.datatype_id    when '1' then ob.value_numeric   
when '2' then  (select name from concept_name where concept_id = ob.value_coded limit 1)   
 when '3' then ob.value_text    when '6' then ob.value_datetime    when '10' then ob.value_boolean    when '13' then ob.value_complex else "N/A" END AS obs_value, e.encounter_datetime 
FROM person p JOIN person_name pn ON p.person_id = pn.person_id
JOIN patient_identifier pi ON p.person_id = pi.patient_id 
JOIN patient_identifier_type pit ON pit.patient_identifier_type_id = pi.identifier_type 
JOIN obs ob ON p.person_id = ob.person_id JOIN encounter e ON e.encounter_id = ob.encounter_id 
JOIN concept_name cm ON ob.concept_id = cm.concept_id
JOIN concept co ON ob.concept_id = co.concept_id
JOIN concept_datatype cdt ON cdt.concept_datatype_id = co.datatype_id;

Is there an already existing query used that I can use as a starter and maybe modify to fit my needs? Or rather how best do you advice for me to go through this?



  • You did quite well, considering all the tables involved. This is very complicated SQL because you are mixing header and detail data in a single row. You have 2 fairly large problems here if you want to write something in a single query: 1) concept_name has multiple locales (languages), when I suspect you only want one. Try something like locale='en' to reduce the number of rows. 2) the obs table is EAV (entity-attribute-value), plus as you discovered, different value fields correspond to different datatypes. To deal with this, take a look at MySql's GROUP_CONCAT function. Here is a rough shot at doing your query, though I removed some things to simplify and just to get it to work. It will give you an idea of how to use GROUP_CONCAT, but I punted on the datatype -> value CASE statement :

    SELECT p.date_created as date_enrolled, 
    pi.identifier, pi.identifier_type, pn.given_name,  
    left(GROUP_CONCAT(ob.obs_datetime, SEPARATOR '\t'),60) as 'ItemDate|ItemName', 
    FROM person p JOIN person_name pn ON p.person_id = pn.person_id
    JOIN patient_identifier pi ON p.person_id = pi.patient_id 
    JOIN patient_identifier_type pit ON pit.patient_identifier_type_id = pi.identifier_type 
    JOIN obs ob ON p.person_id = ob.person_id 
    JOIN encounter e ON e.encounter_id = ob.encounter_id 
    JOIN concept_name cm ON ob.concept_id = cm.concept_id
    JOIN concept co ON ob.concept_id = co.concept_id
    JOIN concept_datatype cdt ON cdt.concept_datatype_id = co.datatype_id 
    where cm.locale = 'en'
    group by 2 limit 10;

    All that said, I don't think the OpenMRS folks would recommend that you keep trying this. Use their reporting tools instead.