When I'm trying adding images to my app, the size of the image is always small - like a little icon. How can I change it? The original size of my image is big. I have no idea why the Android Studio makes it small.
When I add the image I add by these steps:
RightClick on Res(folder) --> new --> Image Asset --> I choose Launcher Icons.
And when I add the image to an ImageView I can't see an option which allows me to change the size of the image.
You should add your Images to drawable folder of your Project. Image Asset tool is for adding images for icons (Action bar icons, Launcher Icon or Notification Icons), refer to this link to understand what is Asset Image tool. Also bare in mind that a good practise is to use many same images with different resolutions (mdpi - hdpi - xdpi - xxdpi - xxxdpi) in order to support different resolutions for android devices, you can refer to this link.