I have 100,000 std::strings in the form YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS, eg. "20160621.213500" which I need to parse and populate a structure with some values, including an epoch timestamp.
It runs very slowly and the culprit is the call to mktime. Any alternative to speed this up?
#define STRNCPY(dest, src, len) \
{ memcpy((dest), (src), (len)) ; dest[(len)] = '\0'; }
DvStorUtils::parseDateTimeString(const char *dateTimeStr, TDateTime &dateTime)
// New, C-Style implementation
strcpy(dateTime.dateTimeStr, dateTimeStr);
char buf[32];
STRNCPY(buf, dateTimeStr, 4); dateTime.year = atoi(buf);
STRNCPY(buf, dateTimeStr+ 4, 2); dateTime.month = atoi(buf);
STRNCPY(buf, dateTimeStr+ 6, 2); dateTime.day = atoi(buf);
STRNCPY(buf, dateTimeStr+ 9, 2); dateTime.hour = atoi(buf);
STRNCPY(buf, dateTimeStr+11, 2); dateTime.minute = atoi(buf);
STRNCPY(buf, dateTimeStr+13, 2); dateTime.second = atoi(buf);
struct tm tmStruct;
tmStruct.tm_year = dateTime.year - 1900;
tmStruct.tm_mon = dateTime.month-1;
tmStruct.tm_mday = dateTime.day;
tmStruct.tm_hour = dateTime.hour;
tmStruct.tm_min = dateTime.minute;
tmStruct.tm_sec = dateTime.second;
dateTime.totalSecElapsed = mktime(&tmStruct);
Jeremy had the right idea – mktime is very very slow.
Comment out mktime and 100,000 lines are processed in an instant. Even when printing out each line. Put it back in and takes almost a minute to complete.
I replaced mktime with the caching implementation libfast-mktime and it is almost as fast as without mktime at all.
The memoized libfast-mktime
works well here because each line is very close in time to the ones before it.