I would like to check the difference between using sc_buffer
and sc_signal
. I have coded a module which adds two random numbers and then I run two tests in parallel: one using sc_buffer
and the other using sc_signal
. Nevertheless, when I check with gtkwave
I see the same traces for both examples, so I think for this case there should not be any difference. How can I check the difference? or is it that these two different types of channel are intended for different applications?
is probably most useful when modeling at an abstract level.
For example, consider modeling a serial communication channel. The transmitter could send the same character twice in a row. If an sc_signal
was used as the channel, the receiver wouldn't detect the second character, but with an sc_buffer
, it would.
#include <systemc>
#include <iostream>
using namespace sc_core;
using namespace std;
struct Transmitter : public sc_module {
sc_out<char> out;
Transmitter(sc_module_name name) : sc_module(name) {
void transmit() {
wait(1, SC_NS);
wait(1, SC_NS);
wait(1, SC_NS);
struct Receiver : public sc_module {
sc_in<char> in;
Receiver(sc_module_name name) : sc_module(name) {
sensitive << in;
void receive() {
cout << sc_time_stamp() << ": " << name() << " received "
<< in.read() << endl;
int sc_main(int argc, char* argv[])
sc_signal<char> signal;
sc_buffer<char> buffer;
Transmitter signal_transmitter("signal_transmitter");
Receiver signal_receiver("signal_receiver");
Transmitter buffer_transmitter("buffer_transmitter");
Receiver buffer_receiver("buffer_receiver");
return 0;
The above example produces this output:
1 ns: signal_receiver received x
1 ns: buffer_receiver received x
2 ns: buffer_receiver received x
3 ns: signal_receiver received y
3 ns: buffer_receiver received y
Notice that signal_receiver
didn't detect the character sent at 2 ns.
You won't see any difference in a VCD trace, because the values stored in the sc_buffer
and sc_signal
channels are identical. The difference is when the receiver is triggered.