I use slim framework and use illuminate/database.
I would like to insert data which not duplicate function_number but if different product_id function_number can be duplicate, for example
here is my mode
$app->post('/create_function', function($request, $reponse, $args) {
$query = $this->db->table('functions')->insert([
'project_id' => $request->getParam('project_id'),
'function_number' => $request->getParam('function_number'),
'function_text' => $request->getParam('function_text'),
'created' => date('Y-m-d')
if($query) {
echo "Function was created";
According to your request you want that the couple (project_id, function_number)
be unique. To do so, you need to query your DB as follows:
//Check for duplicate
$exists = $this->db->table('functions')->where('project_id', '=', $request->getParam('project_id'))->where('function_numbe', '=', $request->getParam('function_number'))->exists();
if(!$exists) {
//Your insert code here