
How to properly mask a numpy 2D array?

Say I have a two dimensional array of coordinates that looks something like

x = array([[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]])

Previously in my work so far, I generated a mask that ends up looking something like

mask = [False,False,True]

When I try to use this mask on the 2D coordinate vector, I get an error

newX =,mask))

>>> Mask and data not compatible: data size 
   is 6, mask size is 3.`

which makes sense, I suppose. So I tried to simply use the following mask instead:

mask2 = np.column_stack((mask,mask))
newX =,mask2))

And what I get is close:


to what I would expect (and want):


There must be an easier way to do this?


  • Is this what you are looking for?

    import numpy as np
    # array([[1, 2],
    #        [2, 3]])

    Or from numpy masked array:

    newX =, mask = np.column_stack((mask, mask)))
    # masked_array(data =
    #  [[1 2]
    #  [2 3]
    #  [-- --]],
    #              mask =
    #  [[False False]
    #  [False False]
    #  [ True  True]],
    #        fill_value = 999999)