I'm having problems adding a reference to a Universal Windows Class library from a UWP app that lives in a different solution.
Here's the setup:
Solution A
Data Access Library (references EntityFramework.Commands nuget package)
Test App
Solution B
Production App
Consuming the data acccess library from the test app works perfectly fine (added via the Projects tab of the Add Reference dialog).
When I try to add a reference to the production app (via the browse button and selecting the DLL), that leads to the following compiler errors:
Payload file '[long path]\EntityFramework.Commands.dll' does not exist.
Payload file '[long path]\EntityFramework.Commands.xml' does not exist.
Payload file '[long path]\EntityFramework.Relational.Design.dll' does not exist.
Payload file '[long path]\EntityFramework.Relational.Design.xml' does not exist.
The files do exist though, I added the reference directly from the bin folder and they are all there. Neither adding these DLLs as references as well nor adding the EntityFramework.Commands nuget package to the production app does help.
I upgraded to the new EF Core 1.0 release, that somehow solved the problem. I still don't know what was the problem though.