I'm trying to get my feet wet with Powershell Workflows and some work I need to do in parallel.
I didn't get very far before hitting my first roadblock, but I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here:
$operations = ,("Item0", "Item1")
ForEach ($operation in $operations) {
Write-Output "Item0: $($operation.Item(0)) Item1: $($operation.Item(1))"
workflow operationsWorkflow{
Write-Output "Running Workflow"
$operations = ,("Item0", "Item1")
ForEach -Parallel ($operation in $operations) {
#Fails: Method invocation failed because [System.String] does not contain a method named 'Item'.
#Write-Output "Item0: $($operation.Item(0)) Item1: $($operation.Item(1))"
Write-Output "Item $operation"
Problem solved, thanks to this excellent article on powershell arrays
Now, since it’s already an array, casting it again doesn’t result in a second level of nesting:
PS (66) > $a = [array] [array] 1
PS (67) > $a[0]
However using 2 commas does nest the array since it is the array construction operation:
PS (68) > $a = ,,1
PS (69) > $a[0][0]
Given that, this works fine:
workflow operationsWorkflow{
Write-Output "Running Workflow"
$operations = ,,("Item0", "Item1")
ForEach -Parallel ($operation in $operations) {
Write-Output "Item0: $($operation.Item(0)) Item1: $($operation.Item(1))"
However, if the second comma is added outside the workflow, then errors occur there. So this is a workflow
or parallel
specific issue and workaround.