
Unknown Property in a return type

I am trying to use mapstruct in my Play 2.4 Java8 JPA project. Steps I have done:

Added Dependency

  "org.mapstruct" % "mapstruct-jdk8" % "1.1.0.Beta1",
  "org.mapstruct" % "mapstruct-processor" % "1.1.0.Beta1"


public class Employee {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;            
    private String fullName;          
    private String email;


public class EmployeeDto {

    private String full_name;
    private String email;


public interface EmployeeMapper {

    EmployeeMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(EmployeeMapper.class);

    @Mapping(source = "fullName", target = "full_name")
    EmployeeDto employeeToEmployeeDto(Employee employee);

But its giving me a compilation error

 error: Unknown property "full_name" in return type.
[error]     @Mapping(source = "fullName", target = "full_name")

What could be the issue for the error?


  • The bean on the target side needs to have setters for the mapped properties.

    MapStruct doesn't use reflection to get or set state in the mapped types, plain getter/setter calls are used in the generated code to propagate state from source to target.