
Adding IPv6 Support for iOS App which isn't supported on AWS

I have submit my iPhone app last week, due to IPv6 Support issue my was rejected with below message:

"Apps are reviewed on an IPv6 network. Please ensure that your app supports IPv6 networks, as IPv6 compatibility is required."

So Now we are ready to configure IPv6. But In my application we are interacting with AWS server. So as the Apple Forums said that IPv6 will not support AWS interaction.

Please suggest how to resolve this situation.


  • Apple doesn't care about the server side. Apple cares about your app, and they want it to be able to run in the absence of IPv4. They assume that networks will run DNS64+NAT64 to translate back to IPv4 on behalf of services that aren't ready yet, such as AWS.

    Apple's guidelines for how to achieve and test app-readiness are here. If you follow the NAT64 link and search for "internet sharing", you'll see instructions on how to enable Apple's NAT64 in El Capitan. You can assume that this is the same environment they'll test your app in.

    You can also assume it's a similar environment to what some networks already run today, but iOS devices are still running IPv4 alongside IPv6. Apple wants to be able to eradicate IPv4 from the device in the future.