
Findfirst matching long integers incorrectly

Objective: Set a recordset using a query string, then perform FindFirst = number to find a specific ID, and therefore record, in the recordset.

Problem: The recordset is generated correctly but FindFirst consistently, incorrectly matches IDs below a certain value.

Description: When I create a recordset inner (or left or right) joining Task and Task_Entry matching specific CycleID and TaskDataID values I get a list of records (in my recordset, I ensure TaskID isn't ambiguous). If I FindFirst any value below 1469, FindFirst returns the 1469 record, every time. See example records and structure below.

Original Query (put into a CurrentDB.OpenRecordset()):
"SELECT Datetime, TaskDataID, SigID, Task_Entry.* FROM Task INNER JOIN Task_Entry ON Task_Entry.TaskID = Task.TaskID WHERE Task.CycleID = " & inputCycleID & " AND Task.TaskDataID = " & inputTaskDataID & " ORDER BY Task.TaskID"

Table Structure:

Example records:
Task: TaskID, Datetime, TaskDataID, CycleID, SigId
1447 03/09/16 15 7 1495 (the TaskDataID was different)
... other records
1469 03/15/16 15 8 1518
... other records

Task_Entry: TaskID, Data1, Data2
1447 929 930.5
1469 919 922



  • When FindFirst is used on a recordset and results in NoMatch being true, the recordset remains on the current record.

    In this specific case, the original query over-constrained the records on the TaskDataID parameter returning a set of records not containing the ID being searched for. Performing FindFirst left the recordset on the first record (which in this case was the one with TaskID = 1469).