
Polymer Starter Kit vs Polymer App Toolbox

What's the difference between Polymer Starter Kit and Polymer App Toolbox?

Both are collections of web components, build & testing tools, and Material Design templates for building Progressive Web Apps with Polymer.

Which one should I base my new project on?


  • Here are some details regarding both of them:




    Still in beta phase just like all the app-elements it uses internally


    PSK was built with the purpose of providing a starting point for the developers who are new to Polymer and are more in learning phase. It has some pre-built elements with hard-coded data. If you look inside index.html you will find <template is="dom-bind"> being used which Polymer team recommends not to use in production environment. It was built when Polymer team was still focusing more on the elements side of Polymer as a result it does not use any of the Polymer's app-elements using which Polymer team has built the shop demo. A newer version has not been released since March as team is currently working on version 2 of PSK.