
SSAS dealing with non linked data

I'm trying to compare forecast data with sales data in a cube. Sometimes we have a forecast with no actual sale, sometimes we have a sale with no forecast. How do just show 0% if one or the other does not exist? This is my current code... Green lines are ok because it is showing 0% where one of the amounts doesn't exist. I want it to do the same for the red circled ones.

CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Forecast Accuracy Amount %]
 AS IIF([Measures].[Sales Line Amount TCUSD SF] <> 0 OR [Measures].[F Amount] <> 0, 1-ABS(DIVIDE(([Measures].[F Amount] - [Measures].[Sales Line Amount TCUSD SF]) , [Measures].[F Amount])), NULL),
FORMAT_STRING = "Percent", 
VISIBLE = 1 ,  ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = 'Sales Forecast'  ; 

enter image description here

EDIT - if both measure values don't exist they would both be null and wouldn't display. So I wouldn't want the percentage to display either and I only want to do the calculation if one of the quantities is not 0. Forecast accuracy should not show 100% if f amount is 0 and there is a sale as shown in the last img... this is the last thing to correct...

enter image description here


  • I prefer the safety of ISEMPTY:

     CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Forecast Accuracy Amount %]
         NOT ISEMPTY([Measures].[Sales Line Amount TCUSD SF]) 
         NOT ISEMPTY([Measures].[F Amount])
       , 1-ABS(DIVIDE(
                 [Measures].[F Amount] - [Measures].[Sales Line Amount TCUSD SF]
                ,[Measures].[F Amount]
    FORMAT_STRING = "Percent", 
    VISIBLE = 1 ,  ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = 'Sales Forecast' ; 

    Slightly more complicated:

     CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Forecast Accuracy Amount %]
         ISEMPTY([Measures].[Sales Line Amount TCUSD SF]) 
         ISEMPTY([Measures].[F Amount])
       , NULL   //<<if both are empty
       , IIF(
           NOT ISEMPTY([Measures].[Sales Line Amount TCUSD SF]) 
           NOT ISEMPTY([Measures].[F Amount])
                [Measures].[F Amount] - [Measures].[Sales Line Amount TCUSD SF]
                ,[Measures].[F Amount]
    FORMAT_STRING = "Percent", 
    VISIBLE = 1 ,  ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = 'Sales Forecast' ;