This is my class which need to be tested:
public class ProductDAOImpl implements ProductDAO {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ProductDAOImpl.class);
private SessionFactory hibernateSessionFactory;
public ProductDTO getProduct(String isbn) throws ProductException {
ProductDTO productDTO = new ProductDTO();
Product product = getProductFromDb(isbn);
BeanUtils.copyProperties(product, productDTO);
return productDTO;
private Product getProductFromDb(String isbn) throws ProductException{
Session session = this.hibernateSessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
String hql = "FROM com.esp.dao.entity.Product P WHERE P.isbn13 = :isbn13";
Query query = session.createQuery(hql);
List<Product> productList = query.list(); // Want to mock this call
if(productList.size() ==1)
return productList.get(0);
else if(productList.size() >1)
// throw new ProductException("Cannot return product. Multiple products found.", HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND);
throw new ProductException("Cannot return product. Multiple products found.");
else if(productList.size() == 0){
throw new ProductException("Cannot return product. No products found.");
return null;
I want to mock the query.list() method. This is what I have tried so far but getting exception: Type 'SessionFactory' is an interface and it cannot be spied on.
public class TestProductDaoImpl {
private SessionFactory hibernateSessionFactory;
private ProductDAOImpl productDAOImpl;
public void testGetProduct() throws ProductException {
Session session = this.hibernateSessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
String hql = "";
Query query = session.createQuery(hql);
Query spy = Mockito.spy(query);
List<Product> productList = getProductList();
I can mock the getProductFromDb(). But in that case there is no need to write a test case for that as the maximum part of the class is getting mocked.
In my opinion there are two approach:
First: Create mock on SessionFactory like this
private SessionFactory hibernateSessionFactory;
public void beforeTest(){
public void testGetProduct() throws ProductException {
//then mock all you need from hibernateSessionFactory
Session session = Mockito.mock(Session.class);
Query query = Mockito.mock(Query.class);
Mockito.when(session.createQuery("FROM com.esp.dao.entity.Product P WHERE P.isbn13 = :isbn13")).thenReturn(query);
List<Product> productList = new ArrayList<>(1);
Second: You should create instance of SessionFactory
private SessionFactory hibernateSessionFactory;
public void beforeTest(){
hibernateSessionFactory = Mockito.spy(new ConstructorForSessionFactory ());