I am implementing a default Sitecore-uCommerce SEO friendly URLs mechanics and I run into issues.
I looked into ItemResolver processor of uCommerce and I still do not understand how uCommerce sets the Sitecore Context Item. It seems like it uses an uCommerce Item's Guid for Sitecore.Context.Item. Somehow it is not the case, but I do not see the real Sitecore Item to be set as Context item. And uCommerce items do not have the layout details on them. Or am I wrong?
private ID FindSitecoreIdForProduct(int productId)
IRepository<Product> repository = ObjectFactory.Instance.Resolve<IRepository<Product>>();
Product product = repository.Get(productId);
if (product != null)
return new ID(product.Guid);
return ID.Null;
Then it makes
ID iD = this.FindSitecoreIdForProduct(productId);
if (iD == ID.Null)
Context.Item = Context.Database.GetItem(iD);
I would like it to be a specific Sitecore Item with a rendering showing the product details. The URLs are of type
If you could just explain me how uCommerce gets to the real Sitecore Item and sets it as a Context.Item, I guess it will be enough for me.
You are on the right way.
They move the context item to other item. I didn't like how they deal with url, and I need other ProductResolver.
Ucommerce have products in his own db, and they created a dataProvider to bring products into Sitecore.
The Ucommerce products are located in Sitecore under /sitecore/uCommerce/Products .
The shops,category and subcategory are located under /sitecore/uCommerce/Store.
Please check this link to have a clean idea how ucommerce is dealing with url:
I also have the same issue like you and I created a custom ItemResolver.
I defined processor in this way on httpRequestBegin pipeline.
<processor type="NameSpace.ProductResolver, Assembly" patch:instead="processor[@type='UCommerce.Sitecore.Pipelines.ItemResolver, UCommerce.Sitecore']"/>
I created in Sitecore a new template name ProductPage, I create a new item named Product of type ProductPage
My requirements was to have url like : /Shoes/Running/NIKEAIRZOOMPEGASUS33
When you browse to /category/subcategory/productid my productResolver is triggered.
I check if category,subcategory and product exist.
If they exist I set the current category and current product.
SiteContext.Current.CatalogContext.CurrentProduct=current_product; //you need to check if product is in current category
I set my Context Item to be the Product item
var pathList = args.LocalPath.Split(new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
var currentProduct= GetCurrentProduct(pathList);
// in above function I am getting the current product, checking if is correct category and subcategory
if (currentProduct != null)
SiteContext.Current.CatalogContext.CurrentProduct = currentProduct;
Sitecore.Context.Item = productItem;