I hope this is the right place to ask this question:
I've been trying to get chartboost to work on iOS via RoboVM (libGDX) I'm using the Mobidevelop fork of RoboVM so the only robopods available to me right now is the Admob robopod backported by florianf: https://github.com/florianf/robovm-robopods
So to get Chartboost on iOS, my only option is to use Admob Mediation, but I'm not sure how to get that to work on RoboVM :/ please help if you can ! Thanks :)
I just need to figure out how to link network adapters/chartboost SDK
to get chartboost in your ios app you can directly add chartboost framework and get your ads as required,
i used robovm-robopods, though it was having some issue with admob but my major concern was to show interstitial ads.
The process is:
After you are done with this, open robovm.xml and add these lines
libs .... StoreKit Chartboost AdSupport
Initialise the chartboost SDK and show ads. for more details you can use the robopods that you are using it has a sample for ios.