I have the following Entities
name Text
user UserId
group GroupId
and I would like to do a query like this:
select g.* /* Everything from g */
, count(gu.id) groupUsersCount
from Group g
left outer join GroupUser gu on gu.groupId = g.id
group by g.id
Can it be done with Esqueleto
The esqueleto docs for groupBy
contain good examples of how to use it.
Moreover, by reading through the Getting Started section, you'll see several example of queries including the equivalent of table.*
do people <- select $
from $ \person -> do
return person
Putting the two together means something like this should work:
select $ from \(g `LeftOuterJoin` gh) -> do
on (gu ^. GroupId ==. g ^. Id)
groupBy (g ^. Id)
return (g, countRows)