I have these serializers in my app:
class ScheduleSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Schedule
fields = ('id',)
class DisciplineSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Discipline
fields = ('id',)
class WriteTeacherSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
disciplines = DisciplineSerializer(many=True)
schedules = ScheduleSerializer(many=True)
class Meta:
model = Teacher
fields = ('phone_number', 'bio', 'price', 'disciplines', 'schedules')
depth = 1
def update(self, instance, validated_data):
print "\n"
#Debugging here
print validated_data
print "\n"
print instance.__dict__
print "\n"
instance.phone_number = validated_data['phone_number']
instance.bio = validated_data['bio']
instance.price = validated_data['price']
disciplines = validated_data.pop('disciplines')
schedules = validated_data.pop('schedules')
for discipline in disciplines:
stored_discipline = Discipline.objects.get(id=discipline['id'])
except Discipline.DoesNotExist:
raise Http404
for schedule in schedules:
stored_schedule = Schedule.objects.get(id=schedule['id'])
except Discipline.DoesNotExist:
raise Http404
return instance
As you can see I am trying a nested serialization with the fields schedules
and disciplines
. I think I followed the documentation, but the nested serialization is not working when I test it. I printed the instance
and validated_data
objects and tested it on the shell.
I start the data in this format:
data = {u'phone_number': u'+99999999999', u'bio': u'BIO', u'price': 40, u'disciplines': [{'id': 1}], u'schedules': [{'id': 2}]}
I got a teacher instance and started the serializer like this:
serializer = WriteTeacherSerializer(teacher, data=data)
It shows True on a serializer.is_valid()
However when I try to save it the validated_data
and the instance.__dict__
are like that:
{u'phone_number': u'+5584998727770', u'bio': u'BIO', u'price': 40, u'disciplines': [OrderedDict()], u'schedules': [OrderedDict()]}
{'phone_number': u'', 'bio': u'', 'price': 50, 'profile_id': 2, '_state': <django.db.models.base.ModelState object at 0xb64a6bec>, 'id': 6}
They don't seem to notice the nested fields which makes the update()
method not work.
Am I doing something wrong?
Here is my Teacher Model as well:
class Teacher(models.Model):
price = models.IntegerField(default=50)
phone_regex = RegexValidator(regex=r'^\+?1?\d{9,15}$', message="Wrong phone number format.")
phone_number = models.CharField(validators=[phone_regex], max_length=15, blank=True)
profile = models.OneToOneField(Profile, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
schedules = models.ManyToManyField(Schedule, related_name='schedules')
disciplines = models.ManyToManyField(Discipline, related_name='disciplines')
bio = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True)
If you are just sending IDs
then you don't need to add the nested serializer, just specify the field name of the ForeignKey
or ManyToManyField
class WriteTeacherSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Teacher
fields = ('phone_number', 'bio', 'price', 'disciplines', 'schedules')
I am also wondering if it is because you have a depth=1
DRF doesn't support nested updates out of the box. You have to override the Serializer's update method, and write your own update logic, so you'd be seeing an error for this warning if you were sending nested data.