
An exception throwed when I'm trying to download source code from SVN

I have found the manual on official Jasperreport comunity website, how to download source code of Jaspersoft Studio from SVN. But when I am trying connect to with username and password anonsvn, like they sad, I get this error:

I am trying to download the source code of Jaspersoft Studio from SVN with username and password "anonsvn". I get everytime this error:

org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientException: svn: E175002: PROPFIND of '/svn/repos/jaspersoftstudio': 405 Method Not Allowed (

The developers's comment for this error is:

This could have the following meaning(s):
- the folder specified in the repository URL does not exist on the host
- your proxy does not allow the svn command you have invoked

I have tried other SVN clients, but they are throwing similar error.

How can I fix this please or where can I download source code else? Thanks


  • My proxy did not allow the svn command I have invoked