
Unable to get previous stats of app from itunesconnect?

I upload a iphone app on 2013 in itunesconnect account, after the smooth usage of 2 years I need to transfer my app in another account of mine. So that i moved it from previos account to another account (Which is in use from 2012). Now my issue is that i want to know about the stats of my app, is that how many downloads are there from 2013 - till now but after login i got stats report from Apil 2015 as date picker of app analytics get diable after April 2015.

Please help me how can i get the complete stats of my app. Any help would be appreciated.



  • Apple's App Analytics was only introduced last year, so you won't get data before that. (Also only on iOS 8+ devices)

    You can try to use the Catalog report feature and get the sales data out. Basic sales data (Unit) are available in the "Sales & Trends" section of iTunes Connect. There you can also choose a timeframe that suits your needs. (I just checked it, it's working for me)

    enter image description here

    If you want any usage data, it's not possible to get that via iTunes Connect.