I'd like arrow keys to work for command history in perl debugger. This solution looks good, so since I'm using ubuntu, I tried
sudo aptitude install libterm-readline-gnu-perl
But, I still get the ^[[A
and ^[[B
echoed back in the perl debugger instead of previous/next commands.
I have found this is specifically an issue within my perlbrew
envinronment. If I run /usr/bin/perl -d
the arrow keys do work (ie, the install fixed it only for that perl).
How do I get the debugger to work under perlbrew?
As a last-ditch effort, within my perlbrew environment I tried cpanm Term::ReadLine::Gnu
but got the error
Could not find neither libtermcap.a, libncurses.a, or libcurses.
I could start installing more libraries, but it feels like I'm missing something else, since it's only a problem affecting Perlbrew.
Installing the packages @melpomene suggests does do the trick.
But I found another solution that does not require the dev packages (and, hence, does not require root). Either of the following CPAN packages can be used on their own:
Since Perlbrew is sometimes (often?) used in environments where you don't have root, this is probably a more convenient solution.