I have a Booking
model that has start
and end
datetime fields. I want to know how many days a booking covers. I can do this in Python but I need this value for further annotations.
Here's what I've tried:
In [1]: Booking.objects.annotate(days=F('end')-F('start'))[0].days
Out[1]: datetime.timedelta(16, 50400)
There are a few problems here:
In Python I would do (end.date() - start.date()).days + 1
. How can I do that in-database, preferably through the ORM (eg database functions), but a RawSQL
would suffice to get this out the door?
I've written a couple of database functions to cast and truncate the dates to solve both problems under PostgreSQL. The DATE_PART
internal function I'm using are DB-specific ☹
from django.db.models import Func
class DiffDays(Func):
function = 'DATE_PART'
template = "%(function)s('day', %(expressions)s)"
class CastDate(Func):
function = 'date_trunc'
template = "%(function)s('day', %(expressions)s)"
Then I can:
In [25]: Booking.objects.annotate(days=DiffDays(CastDate(F('end'))-CastDate(F('start'))) + 1)[0].days
Out[25]: 18.0