
Nested SQL Query

I have the following tables:

Club: Club_ID | Title | Created_Date | ...

Club_Intesect: User_ID | Club_ID | Access

I'm trying to select a variable number of clubs, and join the ID of the user with the highest access in that club. This person is considered the owner.

So if Club 100 has Members A, B, C with access 3,4, and 5 respectively: I want the final query to select from club:

 Club.Club_ID     Club.Title        Club.Created_Date  Club_Intersect.User_ID

      100         |  "Test Club"   |  "Creation Date"     |       C             |
      101         | "Test Club 2"  |  "Creation_Date"     | Highest Access User |


  • SELECT *
    FROM Club c
    JOIN Club_Intesect ci ON ci.Club_ID = c.Club_ID
    WHERE ci.Access =
         FROM Club_Intesect
         WHERE Club_ID = c.Club_ID)

    Not tested but you get the idea