I'm unit-testing a model which has properties with DS.hasMany()
relationships. Whenever I do the following unit-test, I keep getting this error in my test-runner:
Error: Assertion Failed: All elements of a hasMany relationship must be instances of DS.Model, you passed [<Ember.Object:ember367>,<Ember.Object:ember368>]
Can someone shed some light into this, please?
export default DS.Model.extend({
accounts: DS.hasMany('account'),
servicesAccounts: DS.hasMany('services-account'),
address: MF.fragment('address'),
appEligibilities: MF.fragmentArray('app-eligibility'),
appsForPremise: Ember.computed('accounts', function () {
return DS.PromiseArray.create({
promise: this.get('store').find('app', {
account: this.get('accounts').mapBy('id')
import { moduleForModel, test } from 'ember-qunit';
import Ember from 'ember';
moduleForModel('premise', 'Unit | Model | premise', {
needs: [
test('Apps for premise', function (assert) {
let model = this.subject({
accounts: [Ember.Object.create({
id: 'account-1'
id: 'account-2'
appsForPremise: sinon.spy()
Ember.run(() => {
assert.equal(model.get('appsForPremise'), '[{id: account-1}, {id: account-2}]');
You cant pass regular ember objects to the hasMany relationship, they have to be store model objects. You can create them using the store, i.e.
const store = this.store();
Ember.run(() => {
const model = this.subject({
accounts: [
store.createRecord('services-account', {
id: 'account-1'
id: 'account-2'
appsForPremise: sinon.spy()
Calls to the store methods have to go into the run loop, otherwise Ember will complain.