
Populating jstree from xml string

I am trying to populate a jstree container with data from a string describing an xml document. Here's my code, with a simplified xml document:

var xmlText = "<root>A<node>B</node></root>";
var xml = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(xmlText,'text/xml');    
$('#jstree').jstree({"core": {data: xml.documentElement}});

(also on codepen:

The result is a well-structured tree, but without node labels (see image below). How should I provide the node labels? Or am I doing it wrong?

resulting jstree


  • Support for XML seems limited. The documentation of version 3 only speaks of HTML or JSON input for jstree(), even though in earlier versions there was a xml_data plug-in that could be activated for XML support.

    I would suggest you would just work around this, by converting your XML to a JSON with this function:

    function xmlToJson(xmlNode) {
        return {
            text: xmlNode.firstChild && xmlNode.firstChild.nodeType === 3 ? 
                      xmlNode.firstChild.textContent : '',
            children: [...xmlNode.children].map(childNode => xmlToJson(childNode))

    See this example:

    function xmlToJson(xmlNode) {
        return {
            text: xmlNode.firstChild && xmlNode.firstChild.nodeType === 3 ? 
                      xmlNode.firstChild.textContent : '',
            children: [...xmlNode.children].map(childNode => xmlToJson(childNode))
    var xmlText = "<root>A<node>B<node>C</node></node></root>";
    var xml = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(xmlText,'text/xml');
        core: {
          data: xmlToJson(xml.documentElement)
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="jstree">