
Supervisor doesn't start on startup on Ubuntu 16.04

I installed Supervisor on Ubuntu 16.04 with the command:

sudo apt-get install supervisor

Supervisor 3.2.0-2 successfully installed and works if I run it with the command:

sudo service supervisor start

But after reboot it doesn't start automatically. There is an init script in the init.d directory and it runs supervisor as well:

sudo /etc/init.d/supervisor start

I'd tried to add this init script to startup:

sudo update-rc.d supervisor defaults

After that I checked the /etc/rc*.d directories and there are symlinks like:


But supervisor doesn't start at startup. How can I start it every time after server reboot?


  • You need to execute the command for starting a service at system up. For systemd on Ubuntu 16.04, this would be:

    sudo systemctl enable supervisor

    Also your command to start the service should be updated to:

    sudo systemctl start supervisor