I don't get filterrific to work although I feel I am really close to a solution. In my App you can create search requests for products which other people can answer. Now I want to implement filterrific to sort (and later also filter) these search requests. I followed the brilliant documentation on http://filterrific.clearcove.ca/ but I do not find the reason why it is not working in my app. I don't get any errors but whatever I do it is not sorting.
This is my Search model:
default_filter_params: { sorted_by: 'created_at_desc' },
available_filters: [
scope :sorted_by, lambda { |sort_option|
# extract the sort direction from the param value.
direction = (sort_option =~ /desc$/) ? 'desc' : 'asc'
case sort_option.to_s
when /^created_at_/
# Simple sort on the created_at column.
# Make sure to include the table name to avoid ambiguous column names.
# Joining on other tables is quite common in Filterrific, and almost
# every ActiveRecord table has a 'created_at' column.
order("searches.created_at #{ direction }")
raise(ArgumentError, "Invalid sort option: #{ sort_option.inspect }")
def self.options_for_sorted_by
['Created at (Newest first)', 'created_at_desc'],
['Created at (Oldest first)', 'created_at_asc']
This is my Search controller:
def index
@filterrific = initialize_filterrific(
select_options: {
sorted_by: Search.options_for_sorted_by
persistence_id: 'shared_key',
default_filter_params: {},
available_filters: [],
) or return
@searches = @filterrific.find.paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: 5)
respond_to do |format|
This is my index.html.erb:
<%= form_for_filterrific @filterrific do |f| %>
Sorted by
<%= f.select(:sorted_by, @filterrific.select_options[:sorted_by]) %>
<%= link_to(
'Reset filters',
) %>
<%= render_filterrific_spinner %>
<% end %>
<%= render 'searches/search', locals: { searches: @searches } %>
This is my partial _search.html.erb:
<div id="filterrific_results">
<% @searches.each do |search| %>
<%= time_ago_in_words(search.created_at) %>
<% end %>
<%= will_paginate @searches %>
And finally, my index.js.erb:
<% js = escape_javascript(
render(partial: 'searches/search', locals: { searches: @searches })
) %>
$("#filterrific_results").html("<%= js %>");
Why I feel close to a solution? A change of the default_filter_params from 'created_at_desc' to 'created_at_asc' is working. And also the option select list is then automatically changing to 'created at (Oldest first)'. But when I change the option select nothing is happening except the spinner shows up for a second.
Thank you for any help!
I just found the solution myself. I added :sorted_by
to the Search controller.