
Create a chart on a dynamically created canvas in Angular-chart.js

I have a div that will need to host a chart or table depending on an XHR response. In the chart case, I need the div contents to be replaced by a canvas element that chart.js uses to display a graph.

If I add the canvas element to the HTML code, angular-chart.js renders a graph. However, If I inject the canvas into a div using javascript, the canvas element will be in the dom but the chart will not be displayed.

How do I work around this?


<div ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
    This works (doughnut):
    <canvas id="chart-{{$index}}" class="chart chart-doughnut" chart-data="" chart-labels="chart.labels"></canvas>
  This Doesn't work ({{chart.type}}):
  <div id="chartDiv"> </div>


var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['chart.js']);

// Create the controller, the 'ToddlerCtrl' parameter 
// must match an ng-controller directive
myApp.controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
   var chart_div = $('#chartDiv');
   canvas_html = '<canvas id="chart-2" class="chart chart-doughnut" chart-data="" chart-labels="chart.labels"></canvas>';
  $scope.chart =    {
     name: 'Chart 1',
     type: 'Doughnut',
     labels: ['EVSC', 'ISB'],
     data: [13, 44]

Plunker Example:


  • You're altering the structure of the DOM, you can't append your newly created element like that in a "vanilla" or "jQuery" way.

    You need to compile your HTML string or DOM element into a template to produce a template function that will be linked to the scope. The process will walk the DOM tree and match DOM elements to directives.

    // Instantiate the app, the 'myApp' parameter must match what is in ng-app
    var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['chart.js']);
    // Create the controller, the 'ToddlerCtrl' parameter must match an ng-controller directive
    myApp.controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope, $compile) {
      canvas_html = '<canvas id="chart-2" class="chart chart-doughnut" chart-data="" chart-labels="chart.labels"></canvas>';
      var element = angular.element(canvas_html);
      $scope.chart =    {
         name: 'Chart 1',
         type: 'Doughnut',
         labels: ['EVSC', 'ISB'],
         data: [13, 44]

    You can check out the result in this Plunker example.