
CruiseControl.NET force build not working from CCTray

I really hope someone who is a CC.NET expert can help with this, because this problem is painful!

I have a remote build machine with CruiseControl.NET and CCTray running (version 1.5.7256.1)

On the local machine I have CCtray connecting through HTTP not .NET remoting. When I configure the projects, I add a server through HTTP and use the following URL:


If I leave [Set to pre-1.5.0 server] UNCHECKED, then it fails to connect with this error: Failed to connect to server: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.

If I set to [Set to pre-1.5.0. server] CHECKED, then it succeeds and I can kick builds off from CCtray on the local machine fine.

Now, if I go back to another machine which I want to connect remotely, I follow same steps. Again, only pre-1.5.0 setting works. WHY?! CruiseControl.NET and CCTray are at 1.5.7256.1?!?

The 2nd problem and main problem which I think may be related to the previous; if I then use the pre-1.5.0 setting the pojects show up but when I force a build I now get this error:

An unexpected error has occurred while trying to force a build. The method or operation is not implemented.

What am I doing wrong, I'm really struggling with this. I previously was using 1.4 versions and this worked fine, so has something broken? I'm using IIS7 too so don't know if this could be something to do with it.


  • I had a look at the tray app's source code for the 1.5 release (as well as the current trunk.) When connected to a pre-1.5 server, regardless of whether you specified the connection as remoting or HTTP, you will receive the unimplemented exception message when attempting to force build a project.

    Looks like your options at the moment are to wait for a new release or pull down the code and modify (and I have no idea how easy backwards compatibility was maintained between versions...)