
Style row banding and selection in tr:table using CSS

I've got a tr:table that I need to style using CSS. All the normal style functions of a table are working, but row banding and row selection aren't coming up. When I view the rendered source, I'm not seeing a difference in the rows for an id or class to grab on to, and the official documentation doesn't have any attributes for declaring a style class for either. Is this possible and if so what do I need to do to get my CSS to grab onto it?

<tr:table id="myTable" value="#{tableValues}" rowBandingInterval="1">


Let me try to clairfy what's happening.

First, using the declaration above tells jsf to generate a table, and the attribute rowBandingInterval tells it to give each row alternating colors (If it was set to 2, then it would do 2 rows one color, 2 rows another, 2 rows the original, etc.)

Once the page gets rendered into standard html, trinidad (and jsf) apply their own classes and IDs to the html. My normal procedure is to look at the rendered html, find the class that it is appling and add CSS rules for it. However in this case, no additional styles are added (nothing in the rendered html denotes one row to be different from another).

So the question is, how do I tell trinidad to either give alternating rows and the user selected row different classes/IDs for me to grab on to with CSS?

Edit 2

Just to keep anybody paying attention posted, there are no changes to the actual td elements either

Edit 3

After having switched all the attributes around and then stripping all the code down to it's bare bones, I found the row banding attribute. Trinidad classes are rather convluted, and unless you reformat the code and pull out all the noise you won't see it. Trinidad adds the class .af_column_cell-text-band to the banded rows, where as the normal rows have just .af_column_cell-text. So that's half the problem solved. I still need to know the selector for a user selected row, for which I'll happily give all the marbles to anybody that can give me an answer to just that.


  • put these selectors in your trinidadskin.css-file(smSkin.css in my case): .AFTableCellDataBackgroundColor:alias { background-color: #F5F5DC; }

    .AFTableCellDataBandedBackgroundColor:alias { background-color: #FFFFFF; }

    Configuration of trinidad-skins.xml
