
3D Trilateration in Javascript

I'm trying to do 3D trilateration in Javascript using and it seems to be working. However, certain simple cases should be yielding solutions but they are not. For example:

var p1 = {x:69, y:0,  r:69, z:0}
var p2 = {x:0,  y:50, r:50, z:0};
var p3 = {x:0,  y:80, r:80, z:0};
trilaterate(p1, p2, p3, false)

This seems like a ridiculously simple example that should yield a solution at x:0,y:0, but instead the function tells me that there is no solution. Am I misunderstanding something about trilateration or is there an error in the function?

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Yes, it was actually a bug in the library, thanks @logidelic for finding it and @dtudury for tracking it down.

    I have fixed it now by zeroing the value if it is near to zero:

    b = sqr(p1.r) - sqr(x) - sqr(y);
    if (Math.abs(b) < 0.0000000001)
        b = 0;
    z = Math.sqrt(b);