
How to make svg icons crisp again in Qt 5.6 on high DPI screens

Upgrading from Qt 5.4 to Qt 5.6 made all my .svg icons blurry/pixelated. I noticed this happens only on high density screens like on my MacBookPro Retina Display. I read the documentation of High DPI support in Qt 5.6 and I have set the QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=1 environment variable, but it didn't have much effect. Anybody has this issue? I have also found this bug report which probably relates to my question.


A simple example would be:

Image {
  source: my_icon.svg
  sourceSize.width: 50
  sourceSize.height: 50
  anchor.centerIn: parent


  • This is an ugly hack, but it did the trick:

    Item {
        property alias image: mySvgImage
        implicitWidth: mySvgImage.paintedWidth
        implicitHeight: mySvgImage.implicitHeight / Screen.devicePixelRatio
        Image {
            id: mySvgImage
            sourceSize.width: width * Screen.devicePixelRatio
            sourceSize.height: height * Screen.devicePixelRatio