
Kinvey-Xamarin: How to recieve Data from a User instance?

I'm working on a Kinvey project right now, and I'm having some Problems with reading the Username or special Attributes from a User instance. I first tried it the same way getting _User.ID by calling _User.UserName, but this didnt return anything(But ID did curiously). I also searched on Google, but there weren't any articles about it. Hope you can help, would be greatly appreciated!


  • For special attributes, use the .Attributes array on the User class. Like this code:

    Console.WriteLine ("custom attribute is: " + kinveyClient.User ().Attributes["myAttribute"]);

    For username, try .UserName() but it seems you must do an explicit retrieval of the User object before this field is populated

    User retrieved;
    try {
        retrieved = await kinveyClient.User().RetrieveAsync();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Console.WriteLine("{0} caught exception: ", e);
        retrieved = null;
    Console.WriteLine ("logged in as: " + retrieved.Username );
    Console.WriteLine ("custom attribute is: " + retrieved.Attributes["myAttribute"]);

    Documentation: http://devcenter.kinvey.com/xamarin/guides/users#UserClass

    (answer applies to SDK version 1.6.11)