
Traversing to specific children - jQuery/Javascript

I have the following DOM structures given below and I would like to get to the hyperlink buttons (a) in both the scenarios. I have made both the header's (header1 and recordHeader1) clickable (cursor:pointer). So if I click on say anywhere (say if I click on the headerTitle) in header1 or (name, job_title) in recordHeader1, I would like to find the hyperlink button and perform certain click functionality. There might be more of those scenario but in all the scenario's, there is a parent header like the one's given below and the parent header always has the hyperlink element somewhere in the DOM. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong here.

Scenario 1:

<div class="header1">
  <a href="#" class="downArrow k-icon k-minus"></a> <!-- This element -->
  <img class="foundIcon" src="">
  <div class="headerTitle">Contacts</div>

Scenario 2:

  <div class="recordNew">
      <div class="recordHeader1">
            <div class="arrowContainer">
              <a href="#" class="downArrow k-icon k-minus"></a> <!-- This element -->
            <div class="nameContainer">
              <span class="name">John Doe </span>
      <span class="job-title">Marketing Professional </span>

What I have tried?

// This is a generic function that makes the header clickable based on any element click
function makeRowClickable() {
  $(".headerTitle, .name, .job_title, .foundIcon").on("click", function(e) {
    // doesn't seem to work and find the correct element


  • Try this

    const headerClick = (e, header, downArrow) => {
      // programatically click on the anchor tag;
    // get all .header1 elements
      // add all .recordHeader1 elements to the array
      // add event listener on each .header1 and .recordHeader1
      .forEach((header) => header.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
        // inside the click handler send the event, the header element, and its child downarrow element
        headerClick(e, header, header.querySelector('.downArrow'))