
JavaScript Standard Style does not recognize Mocha

I have a Mocha test file that looks like this:

var expect = require('chai').expect
var muting = require('../muting')

describe('muting', function () {
  describe('init()', function () {
    it('should inject an object into twitter', function () {
      var twitter = 'twitter'

When I run mocha from the CLI, it runs the test successfully.

When I run standard (the executable for JavaScript Standard Style) I get errors on Mocha's framework functions like so:

standard: Use JavaScript Standard Style (   
c:\..\test\index.js:5:0: 'describe' is not defined.  
c:\..\test\index.js:6:2: 'describe' is not defined.  
c:\..\test\index.js:7:4: 'it' is not defined.

What's the cleanest way to make Standard not complain about these functions?


  • Actually, you don't need to list every single global variable in your package.json

    You can specify environments instead like this:

    "standard": {
      "env": [ "mocha" ]

    Source: Official ESLint configuration docs.