I created a script based on what I could find on the INTERNET and some bash tutorials, that will show me my external IP and the country it's located in.
#Script looks like this:
wanip=$(dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com);
echo "$wanip" > /root/Documents/filewanip;
while read IP;do
whois "$IP"
done < "$iplist" | grep "country" >geoloc
cat geoloc filewanip
rm filewanip geoloc
Output looks like this: country: Holland
#Problem is that I don't want to use files to do this as file structure obviously changes from system to system. How can I make it in an elegant way so the check is made and stored into a variable(s) and then displayed directly into the shell?
John Connor
As I understand it, your goal is to eliminate the use of temporary files. In that case:
wanip=$(dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com);
echo "$wanip" | while read ip; do
echo "$ip $(whois "$ip" | awk ' /[Cc]ountry/{print $2}')"
The above was written as if dig
returns more than one address for your IP. If that is not the case, then the while
loop is superfluous.
If you are only expecting one IP, then:
ip=$(dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com);
echo "$ip $(whois "$ip" | awk ' /[Cc]ountry/{print $2}')"
I converted IP to ip because it is best practices to use lower or mixed case names for your shell variables.
My whois
returns a line with Country, not country. So, I made the search for country case insensitive.