In a Play 2.4.6 app I'm working on the assets are being duplicated in stage/dist tasks.
Basically it is a app with 3 submodules, with all the assets present in the main public
folder. I don't have sbt-web
enabled and have no webjars dependencies (but from the jar contents Play may be using them somewhere).
If I use PlayKeys.externalizeResources := false
I end up with two jar files in the lib
The first one contains the assets, as it should. The 2nd should contain my main project class files, but it has also a META-INF/resources/webjars/myapp-server/0.9.6
folder containing every asset from the public folder!
If I use PlayKeys.externalizeResources := true
I get the exact same behavior, but the extra META-INF/resources
folder is present in myapp-server.myapp-server-0.9.6-externalized-resources.jar
So how can I get rid of that extra assets folder? I have a lot of assets so that extra folder adds a lot to the package size...
After some research, it seems that just excluding the extra folder from the "externalized" jar works:
mappings in (Compile, packageBin) ~= { (ms: Seq[(File, String)]) =>
ms filterNot { case (file, dest) =>