
How to compute the sum of the values of elements in a vector using cblas functions?

I need to sum all the elements of a matrix in caffe,

But as I noticed, the caffe wrapper of the cblas functions ('math_functions.hpp' & 'math_functions.cpp') is using cblas_sasum function as caffe_cpu_asum that computes the sum of the absolute values of elements in a vector.

Since I'm a newbie in cblas, I tried to find a suitable function to get rid of absolute there, but it seems that there is no function with that property in cblas.

Any suggestion?


  • There is a way to do so using cblas functions, though it is a bit of an awkward way.

    What you need to do is to define an "all 1" vector, and then do a dot product between this vector and your matrix, the result is the sum.

    Let myBlob be a caffe Blob whose elements you want to sum:

    vector<Dtype> mult_data( myBlob.count(), Dtype(1) );
    Dtype sum = caffe_cpu_dot( myBlob.count(), &mult_data[0], myBlob.cpu_data() );

    This trick is used in the implementation of "Reduction" layer.

    To make this answer both GPU compliant, one need to allocate a Blob for mult_data and not a std::vector (because you need it's pgu_data()):

    vector<int> sum_mult_shape(1, diff_.count());
    Blob<Dtype> sum_multiplier_(sum_mult_shape);
    const Dtype* mult_data = sum_multiplier_.cpu_data();
    Dtype sum = caffe_cpu_dot( myBlob.count(), &mult_data[0], myBlob.cpu_data() );

    For GPU, (in a '.cu' source file):

    vector<int> sum_mult_shape(1, diff_.count());
    Blob<Dtype> sum_multiplier_(sum_mult_shape);
    const Dtype* mult_data = sum_multiplier_.gpu_data();
    Dtype sum;
    caffe_gpu_dot( myBlob.count(), &mult_data[0], myBlob.gpu_data(), &sum );