
Run Java application on Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5

I want to run a Java Application on an Intermec scanner with Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 Operating System. I used this tutorial.

The problem is I don't know how to run my application on the Intermec scanner.

I downloaded and installed PhoneME Advanced and PhoneME Feature from here.

I searched for JavaFX like in this tutorial, but when I follow the link to JavaFX on the Oracle site, it says it's included in the current JDK, which I can't install ("The file *** cannot be opened. Either is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found"). I tried installing the JRE but I get the same message.

Help please?


  • The Intermec Java installation doc is very outdated and related to IBM WEME, which is no longer be sold for a long time.

    The IBM J9 licensing is strange and can only be achieved with a larger number of installations. But you may get a validation copy from

    You may go with another JAVA VM like PhoneME or CrEme. JavaFX seems to be discontinued, whereas IBM J9 or CrEme are more or less current and supported products.

    Which JVM you choose depends also on your intention. The Intermec Java Datacollection jar will only run with J9. But you can write your own JNI for the native Scanner API.