
Same HEX Code, but different colors between PNG and navigationBar

I've a problem while developing the app design of my mobile application in Appcelerator Titanium Studio. I want extend the navigation bar at the top (with back button and so on) in an optical way with a view below the real navigation bar. When I use the barColor attribute there's a shadow at the bottom of the navigation bar - I'm able to let this shadow disappear, if I use the barImage attribute instead. The problem is now the following: I'm using a PNG-image with a simple, colored background - it's the same HEX code as the view in the app is using. The problem is, that the PNG image is a little darker than the view below, which is working with the same HEX code.

Why the PNG image is still a little bit darker than the view of the app, using the same color? Is there any color profile, which I have to change? The PNG is generated in Adobe Illustrator with the sRBG color profile.

Thanks a lot in advance!


  • thanks a lot for responding on my initial question and your support. Finally I found the issue related to the darker color of the navBar. It was the attribute translucent which is initially and per default set to true. If you put translucent:false to your window, the slightly darker layer on your PNG (or barColor) disappears. Thanks you!