I am trying to setup my neovim with the operator mono. I am running neovim in iterm2, so I have used the profile preferences to select the Operator font, and that is more or less working.
However I would rather use my vimrc to specify the font for neovim. So my first question is whether that is possible?
Partly, I'd like to do that because I would like to take advantage of the Operator fonts special italics. Normally, I'd activate those for comments in my vimrc like so:
highlight Comment gui=italic
highlight Comment cterm=italic
highlight htmlArg gui=italic
highlight htmlArg cterm=italic
However, these don't seem to work with neovim. So my second question is: how do I activate Operator italic font for commented out code in neovim.
AFAIK, terminal vim/neovim use the font-family that's specified in your terminal emulator preferences. So no, you can't specify the font family in your vimrc.
To get italic comments, create a xterm-256color-italic.terminfo
anywhere on your computer with these contents:
# A xterm-256color based TERMINFO that adds the escape sequences for italic.
xterm-256color-italic|xterm with 256 colors and italic,
sitm=\E[3m, ritm=\E[23m,
then do tic xterm-256color-italic.terminfo
(from the same location as the file). This will create a new TERMINFO
to be added to the TERM
Now, to setup iterm2 to use this terminfo, set Report Terminal Type
under Terminal
tab of your iterm profile to the value xterm-256color-italic
(type it manually as it might not show up on the dropdown menu.
If you relaunch iterm2, you should have italic comments now with highlight Comment cterm=italic
on your vimrc
. Verify this with
echo `tput sitm`italics`tput ritm`
source: https://alexpearce.me/2014/05/italics-in-iterm2-vim-tmux/#tmux-21-and-above