
python program raising exceptions

Im working on a finger exercise from Guttag Intro to computer science and programming using python, and Im working on the following finger exercise:

Finger Exercise: Implement a function that satisfies the specification def findAnEven(l): """Assumes l is a list of integers Returns the first even number in l Raises ValueError if l does not contain an even number"""

This is what I wrote so far, it get's the job done, but is definitely not what Guttag intended as an answer.

   def isEven(l):
        """Assumes l is a list of integars
           returns the first even number in list
           raises an exception if no even number in list"""
        for i in l:
            if i % 2 == 0:
                print i, " is the first even number in the list"            
        raise ValueError("No even numbers in list!")

I would highly appreciate any input on how professor Guttag intended the code to look. I'm assuming I should have used the try statement somewhere, and the using the exit statement is very crude in this context. Thanks in advance.


  • The issue with your code is the usage of exit(). Generally return will exit for you. To fix the code, just remove it:

    def isEven(l): 
            for i in l: 
                    if i % 2 == 0: 
                            return i 
            raise ValueError("No even numbers in list!")