I have two choropleth maps that I am attempting to make. The first one has worked fine. But when I replicate the code/method using a different value
column, the legend does not print. The difference between the two sets of code lies in inserting scale_fill_brewer()
with the second plot. Is using the scale_fill_brewer()
overriding the c$legend
For example, this works:
head(ra, 5)
region value
1 alabama 106
2 california 622
3 colorado 22
4 connecticut 86
5 delaware 43
'data.frame': 51 obs. of 2 variables:
$ region: chr "alabama" "california" "colorado" "connecticut" ...
$ value : num 106 622 22 86 43 7 232 19 10 121 ...
c = StateChoropleth$new(ra)
c$legend = "# of stores"
c$show_labels = FALSE
without_abbr = c$render()
but, the following results in "Value" in the legend:
head(ra, 5)
region value
1 alabama 5.8703474
2 alaska 0.4880526
3 arizona 4.8851831
4 arkansas 2.7045759
5 california 35.2607419
> str(ra)
'data.frame': 51 obs. of 2 variables:
$ region: chr "alabama" "alaska" "arizona" "arkansas" ...
$ value : num 5.87 0.488 4.885 2.705 35.261 ...
c = StateChoropleth$new(ra)
c$title = "Total Sales"
c$legend = "$ billions"
c$show_labels = FALSE
without_abbr = c$render()
without_abbr + scale_fill_brewer(palette=2) # palette 2 is green
Thank you for using choroplethr.
Try this:
without_abbr + scale_fill_brewer(name="legend title", palette=2)
The issue is with how ggplot2 handles legends (scales). You have the option of manually naming the scale/legend with the name
parameter. Otherwise, it looks like it just uses the name of the column.